Friday, May 7, 2010

How to become an Oracle Certified Master (OCM)

I became an Oracle 10g OCM, everybody else wanted to know how to become one. Let me show you the way to become an Oracle Certified Master (OCM).

1) You have to get OCP (Oracle Certified Professional)

2) Following that, you will need to attend 2 advanced trainings from Oracle University. You should
attend RAC and Backup/Recovery.  Refresh your knowledge with Oracle backup and recovery principles. Not being able to recover your data during exam, you will get 0 point for that section. In other words, you can not be called DBA, if you can not recover your data.

3) Install Vmware and start going through all topics mentioned in Oracle web site. Simulate all possible problems in each case. Time is your enemy during exam. You will have to make decision within short period and that is where experience comes into play. Even I had 7 years experience with Oracle, I forced myself to go through each simple topic multiple times. F.e: Creating database. I tested creation of database with both DBCA and manually. Believe me; that will help you to feel confident during exam. One more point: as I am working full time, it was so difficult to prepare for exam during night hours. That is where energy drinks came to play: XL and Red Bull. (Not be advertisement).

See below link for exam topics:

4) Now, it is time to register for the exam.
I choose Korea, Seoul as there is no Oracle University in our country. If you don’t know the country, try to book hotel which the nearest one to exam location.

5) Exam result
I got my congratulations letter from Oracle in a 3 weeks, then a T-shirt some weeks later with the OCM logo. Imagine how I felt when I received congratulation letter. Good luck in your preparation!

This is picture from exam during DataGuard section with instructor (Of course, it is after :), as I already finished this part:


metaalex said...

Hello, Teymur,
How did you prepared to the exam?
Any written materials, books???


Teymur Hajiyev said...

Hello, Alex.

Oracle documentation at is enough for preparation. However, you have to at least 3-4 years extensive real-world experience in mentioned technologies.

It is too critical, because during exam you will be assigned business task, not technical task. You will have to translate these business tasks into Oracle commands. That is where experience will count.

Good luck!


solutiondeveloper said...

teymur i receive my ocp certificate 2009 and i have not been working on oracle platform is it possible to get my ocm , because i will be travelling to uk to finish my degree , what do u advice me to do

Anonymous said...

You said "...start going through all topics mentioned in Oracle web site. Simulate all possible problems in each case...". Can you please tell us where are the scenarios described in Oracle website?

Anonymous said...

You mentioned ...start going through all topics mentioned in Oracle web site. Simulate all possible problems in each case... Can you please tell us where are the cases to simulate described in Oracle web site?

From Israel

Anonymous said...

How much did you pay for OCM test in Korea? It seems cheaper than taking in US. Around $600 in Korea vs $2000+ in US? Is it true?

Also which hotel you stayed in Korea which is closer to the test site?


Teymur Hajiyev said...

Hi, Lucy.

Yes, there is price difference between exam locations/country.

I stayed in Ibis Hotel which was walking distance to exam center.

Good luck.

Rodrigo Jorge said...

First of all congratulations!
I'm already OCP and I took one official training to become certified.
Do I need one or two more trainings to become OCM certified? I mean: the training I've done for OCP is marked as "used" or it also serves to OCM?

Rodrigo Jorge said...

First of all congratulations!
I'm already OCP and I took one official training to become certified.
Do I need one or two more trainings to become OCM certified? I mean: the training I've done for OCP is marked as "used" or it also serves to OCM?